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  4. Where in the World is French Spoken?
Where in the World is French Spoken?

Where in the World is French Spoken?

Use Post-it® Arrow Flags on a map to show the geographic reach of a language.

  • Subject:

    Classroom Management, Language Arts

  • Topics:

    classroom management, language arts, French, language, geography

  • Materials:

    Post-it® Notes & markers, pens or pencils. 1 pack Post-it® Arrow Flags

  • Grade Level:

    8th Grade

  • Estimated Time:

    20 - 40 minutes

  • Author:


  • Where French is Spoken Supplies
  • 1

    Before your students arrive for class, place Post-it® Arrow Flags on a map to call out where a language, such as French, is spoken.

    place Post-it® Arrow Flags on a map to call out where a language is spoken

  • 2

    Encourage your students to guess what the Post-it® Arrow Flags could mean.

  • 3

    Lead a discussion about different countries where the language is commonly spoken - in every continent.

    Lead a discussion about different countries where the language is commonly spoken - in every continent.

  • 4

    Have students choose one of the countries marked on the map. Have them do a web-quest research to find out more information about their country - background, people, foods, etc.

    Have students choose one of the countries marked on the map

  • 5

    Have your students present their discoveries to the class using the Post-it® Arrow Flags on the map to point out where their country is located.

  • 6

    Keep the Post-it® Arrow Flags up throughout the year as a visual reminder of what they’ve learned.

    Keep the Post-it® Arrow Flags up throughout the year as a visual reminder of what they’ve learned.

education teachers middle teacher_activity_center classroom_activities classroom_management language_arts french language geography arrow_flags