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A planner filled with Post-it® notes with reminders written on them

Tips for managing a busy schedule

Simple tips for staying on schedule and making time to achieve your dreams.

  • A busy schedule seems to be a fact of life, no matter who you are. Between studying, extra-curriculars, and social events, it’s hard to keep track of everything that’s going on. But with tools from Post-it® Brand and the determination to make your mark on the world, you can handle it all — and more.

    Tips for Managing a Busy Schedule - create a home base for your schedule

  • 1. Create a home base for your schedule

    The trick to making a busy schedule work is to put it all in one place first. To do it, get yourself a planner and make it the spot where you write down everything that’s going on. Call out key times and dates with Post-it® Arrow Flags so you can find your most important commitments fast. Then, add notes about key details with Post-it® Page Markers, which will give you plenty of room to write when you’ve run out of room on your planner page (or if you’ve just got a lot to remember).With a little extra help from Post-it® Products, your planner will help you see everything at a glance, so you can keep the bigger picture clear while still staying on top of the details.

    Tips for Managing a Busy Schedule - color code your commitments

  • 2. Color-code your commitments

    If you love bright colors, you’re in luck. Since Post-it® Super Sticky Notes 2 in. x 2 in. come in lots of them, keep them on hand to plan your schedule. All you have to do is pick a color for extra-curriculars, one for school, and one for fun, (or whatever other categories you might need) use those colors of notes to write down all your commitments and stick them on your planner. Then you can see, at a glance, what’s going on every day, and where you need to focus your energy. Try it and you’ll see that color is a powerful tool to organize your life.

  • 3. Move things around

    Unfortunately, your schedule is probably subject to change, sometimes at a moment’s notice. With Post-it® Super Sticky Notes 2 in. x 2 in. you can change your plans to match whatever life throws at you. All you have to do is pull your Post-it® Super Sticky Notes off your planner and stick them back on wherever you want. Give it a shot — it offers you the flexibility you need to make sure your planner always shows what’s really going on. Plus, it keeps things looking neat and organized.

    Tips for Managing a Busy Schedule - remind yourself to follow through

  • 4. Remind yourself to follow through

    Keeping your schedule organized and accurate doesn’t help if you don’t actually follow it. That’s why you should remind yourself to keep up with your commitments by leaving notes on Post-it® Super Sticky Notes 3 in. x 3 in. in key places you’ll be sure to see. Try writing your most important schedule items on Post-it® Super Sticky Notes the night before and then sticking them where they’re most likely to remind you of your commitments the next day. It might be on your laptop lid, your mirror, or the front door — whatever it takes. You can be sure your reminders will be waiting for you the next morning, and if you need to bring them along, go ahead — they’ll stick again.

    It may not be easy, but when you’re master of your schedule, you’ll feel like you’ve got the power to do anything. And every day you stay on top of it, you’ll know you’re one day closer to achieve your dreams. After all, your schedule exists for a reason. It’s part of who you are, and it’s how you make your mark on the world.

    productivity super_sticky_notes weekly_planner study schedule achievement color organization page_marker arrow_flag