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See the forest and the trees with a timeline chart

Organize projects with a timeline chart

Track multiple tasks with a timeline

  • Sometimes a project is simply too big for a to-do list. When you have multiple or overlapping tasks, a timeline chart can help you see prerequisites and deadlines at a glance.


    In school, timelines probably helped you memorize important dates in history. But that doesn’t mean they’re only useful in the classroom. In the office, timelines are an effective way to get a team or department on the same page. Timeline schedules are also great for tracking projects with lots of dependent tasks that can only begin when others end.

  • Timely organization

    Here are three simple steps to building a project timeline:

    1. Draw a grid to make a calendar, then write in important milestones on particular dates. Post-it® Super Sticky Dry Erase Surface and Post-it® Easel Pads work well for this.
    2. Jot down all the tasks needed to achieve each milestone on separate Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, 3 in. x 3 in. or Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, 4 in. x 4 in.
    3. Place the task notes on the intervening calendar days in order of priority. Because the notes can easily be removed and used again.         

    Timelines give you an easy visual status report on your project, and allow you to easily update it in real time. You’ll be tackling projects more efficiently than ever, and never miss a step.

  • Other benefits of timelines

    Timelines aren’t just great for project tracking. They also:

    • Prompt you to consider projects on short- and long-term levels so you’re always moving forward toward larger goals.
    • Put tasks in a real-world, realtime context for better scheduling and collaboration.
    • Allow you to easily pinpoint gaps or misordering in your task sequence — for example, if you’ve scheduled a trip to the mall three days after your high school reunion.

    When you write your goals down and keep them front and center, you’re far more likely to accomplish them. Write out your tasks on a timeline and you’ll be done faster than you can say, “Time’s up!”

    producitivity dry_erase_surface organization to_do_list list-making super_sticky_notes collaboration easel_pads project_management