Post-it® Brand has been supporting ideas of all shapes and sizes for 35 years. But for an idea to truly live, it has to take the incredible leap into reality. Inspired by the Google Ventures design sprint process, here are five activities to help create, develop and test your idea.
Every member of a team has a unique understanding of their project’s situation — whether it’s someone in sales, a logistics manager or a designer. This activity should revolve around sharing these insights and using them to plot your user’s journey. At the end of the day, you should have a scope for the entire sprint session.
Break your team into smaller groups and start drawing solutions on paper— whether it’s a step-by-step approach via Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, or a detailed description on Post-it® Super Sticky Big Notes or Easel Pads. Separate yourself from other teams to avoid groupthink and make sure your team includes a diversity of roles/titles. At the end of the activity, every team should share their ideas—with a final vote to determine which ideas to build on.
Have a bunch of great ideas? Perfect. Now here comes the hard part: selecting the very best ones to build out! Decide on the best ones using Post-it® Arrow Flags as a voting mechanism. Once you’ve landed on 2-3 most viable options, start storyboarding out each approach using Post-it® Products to determine the strengths and challenges of each one. In tandem, start identifying research participants that you’ll walk through your prototype.
Buckle up because this activity is all about business! Using Post-it® Products, develop a prototype of your final idea that walks through the entire user experience. This prototype should walk, talk and “look” like a legitimate product/service so put as much effort as possible into this model—you’ll be walking your research participants through it during Activity Five.
You have a prototype.
Let’s put it in the hands of the people to get real feedback and reactions. Via one-on-one interviews, take notes of what you observe and what possible patterns are emerging. These insights will prove invaluable as you discover what’s working and what possibly needs more consideration.
Voila! After five fun—and possibly intense—activities, you’ve successfully created a prototype in a relatively short amount of time. Take a breather and use this experience to refine future rapid sprints as your team gets stronger with this approach.