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  4. How to Cultivate Team Creativity
Post-it® Teamwork Solutions 7 steps to adapt your project plan

How to Cultivate Team Creativity

Spark big ideas from your team by stepping away from your desks.

  • Developing ideas outside of a computer screen can bring them to life in unique ways. By encouraging your team to actively engage in the ideation process, it can bring on a different state of mind and innovative solutions to business challenges and projects.

    Try drafting a plan on a Post-it® Super Sticky Dry Erase Surface, marking up steps and processes as you go. With each team member having a pad of Post-it® Super Sticky Notes in hand, team members can all have a voice and share ideas and opinions visibly for the full group to consider.

    To find more tips to help your team, check out Post-it.com/Teamwork.

IBM’s AI Design Lead, Jennifer Sukis

“Moving ideas around on a white board adds momentum and it gives an energy to the room the whole team can feel.” IBM AI Design Lead, Jennifer Sukis, “Big Ideas” — Fast Company, 2018.

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